quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2014

Citações sobre relações inter-artes e dialogismo (Diana V. Almeida)

“The parallels that have traditionally been drawn between the visual arts (painting in particular) and poetry are based on Western conceptions of mimetic representation.”
Ekphrastic poetry is necessarily limited to a description (or verbal bodying forth) of a specific visual object [thus, it recurs] to descriptive vividness and particularity, the corporeality of words, and the patterning of verbal artifices, (…) essential to the much broader category of literary pictorialism [which] places stringent demands upon its readers; it requires us to develop the ability to see what the poet describes, to develop (in Pope’s famous phrase) ‘quick poetic eyes’”
Wendorf, Richard. “Visual Arts and poetry”. The New Princetion Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (1993). 1360 e 1362.

“Poets who paint and painters who write do not necessarily combine word and image in a single text; it is more likely, in fact, that they will produce separate works, including works that are difficult to compare and reconcile with each other.” 
Ex. e.e. cumings [poesia inovadora, pintura convencional]
Wendorf, Richard. “Visual Arts and poetry”. The New Princetion Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (1993). 1361.

[Polyphony] “Mikhail Bakhtin’s term for a type of ‘dialogic’ prose in which more than one narratorial voice appears, not simply because an author has created several characters with distinguishable voices (…) but because a profoundly pluralistic narratorial voice is displaced into a polyphony of heterogeneous, discordant, or antithetic character voices which never are and never can be synthesized into one authorial vision/voice.”
T.V.F. Brogan, “Polyphonic Prose”. The New Princetion Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics (1993). 967.

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