quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014

Meredith McGill, sobre "A Week on the Concord..." e a prática do "commonplace book"

"The temporal, national, and generic miscellaneousness of Emerson and Thoreau’s commonplace book, and their untroubled circulation of poetry in partial, unidentified and misquoted form, makes salient our own impulse to periodize, our need to make sense of literary texts within national, developmental frameworks, and our concern with originality and textual integrity.” 

McGill, Meredith, "Common Places: Poetry, Illocality, and Temporal Dislocation in Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers." American Literary History: 19:2 (2007) 357-374. (358). Pode ler-se na íntegra aqui.

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