quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014

Custard, de Gertrude Stein

Custard is this. It has aches, aches when. Not to be. Not to be narrowly. This makes a whole little hill.

It is better than a little thing that has mellow real mellow. It is better than lakes whole lakes, it is better than seeding.

in Tender Buttons, 1914
CUSTARD. Custard is this. It has aches, aches when. Not to be. Not to be narrowly. This makes a whole little hill.

It is better than a little thing that has mellow real mellow. It is better than lakes whole lakes, it is better than seeding. - See more at: http://www.poetrynook.com/poem/custard-0#sthash.uiSYIJPL.dpuf
CUSTARD. Custard is this. It has aches, aches when. Not to be. Not to be narrowly. This makes a whole little hill.

It is better than a little thing that has mellow real mellow. It is better than lakes whole lakes, it is better than seeding. - See more at: http://www.poetrynook.com/poem/custard-0#sthash.uiSYIJPL.dpuf

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